Looking for an Injury Attorney for a DUI Accident in Wyoming?
In Wyoming in 2015, there were over 50 deaths related to traffic accidents involving impaired drivers. In the United States as a whole, nearly 27 people are killed each day from accidents related to drunk and impaired driving. Drunk driving is a serious problem in America. Many people have lost their lives because of this, and there will continue to be accidents and lives lost because of the criminal actions of drunk drivers. If you have been injured in an accident because of the actions of a drunk driver, you might be wondering where you can turn to for help. It can be overwhelming to figure out where to start with your claim.
Contact the Police After Your Accident
If you’ve been in an accident that involved serious injury, you should contact the police. They will be able to arrive at the scene and make a police report. Police will also play a huge role in determining if alcohol or intoxicated driving were involved in the accident.
Injuries and Liability
If you have been seriously injured because of a drunk driver, you know that the consequences can be long-lasting. You are likely facing medical bills as well as other financial burdens because of the accident. You also have to handle the physical and emotional pain that comes along with having serious, permanent injuries. Some of these injuries can last for many years and cost a substantial amount of money to treat.
There are many common injuries that occur from drunk driving accidents. Some of these are:
- Spinal injuries including paralysis
- Leg and knee injuries
- Neck injuries including whiplash
- Chest injuries
- Brain injuries
The impacts of these accidents can last for decades for some victims. When another driver decides to get drunk and drive, they are responsible for the damages they deal out while in this impaired state. If you have been injured, you may have a claim for compensation for the injuries you received. At Need an Injury Lawyer Wyoming, we can help you with your case. Hiring a lawyer who can move forward with your case and handle the case at each step is the best way to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
How are liable parties identified?
It isn’t always as simple as it seems. There could be multiple defendants in your case. For example, if a vendor sells alcohol to minors. The vendor, as well as, the minor who drove the vehicle could be held liable. Negligence is determined by who has breached their “duty of care.” Depending on the case, that duty of care can apply to multiple parties.
If you have been injured in an accident involving a drunk driver in Wyoming, you should contact needaninjurylawyerwyoming today? If you have sustained serious injuries and don’t know where to turn, a lawyer can help. Personal injury attorneys can work with you to provide the legal representation and counsel you are looking for. You deserve help in your time of need!